项目名称:EU as a Modern Civilization
最大资助金额:EUR 50000
王义桅,中国人民大学欧盟“让·莫内讲席”教授,国际关系学院博士生导师,国际事务研究所所长,欧洲问题研究中心/欧盟研究中心研究员、主任,国家发展与战略研究院、重阳金融研究院高级研究员,,兼任教育部习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想研究中心特约研究员,中联部当代世界研究中心特约研究员,察哈尔学会一带一路研究中心主任,中国与全球化智库特邀高级研究员,中国国际贸易促进会专家委员会委员,联合国“未来地球计划”中国委员会委员,中国科学技术发展战略研究院国家高端智库学术委员会委员、中国国际经济交流中心第三届理事会理事、中国人民外交学会理事、中国太平洋学会理事、中国政治学会理事兼青年工作专业委员会副会长,中国欧洲学会理事,尼山论坛学术委员会委员,土耳其TRT世界论坛顾问。先后毕业于华东理工大学环境工程系、复旦大学国际政治系,获工学学士,法学硕士、博士学位,担任天津联合化学有限公司助理工程师、复旦大学美国研究中心教授、美国耶鲁大学福克斯学者(Fox Fellow),韩国延世大学访问教授,中国驻欧盟使团外交官、同济大学特聘教授兼国际与公共事务研究院执行院长。出版专著《世俗文明的终极关怀:人类命运共同体的逻辑》、《世界之问、中国之答:人类命运共同体》、《国之交如何民相亲:新时代中国公共外交之道》、《回应:关于“一带一路”的十种声音》、《一带一路:联通世界》(中英文版)、《王义讲一带一路故事》、《大国担当》、《再造中国:领导型国家的文明担当》、《一带一路:中国崛起的天下担当》(阿文、韩文版)、《世界是通的——“一带一路”的逻辑》(2016年中国好书,获北京市哲学社会科学优秀成果奖(2019)著作类二等奖,同时入选2016年度“大众喜爱的50种图书”,新中国国际出版70年百种译介图书推荐图书:英文、日文、韩文、阿拉伯语,保加利亚语,蒙古语,土耳其语,俄语、乌兹别克语、塞尔维亚文、盲文等)、《一带一路:机遇与挑战》(中文简体、繁体版,英文、阿拉伯文、德文、法文、西班牙文、俄文、韩文、日文、波兰文、土耳其文、越南文、柬埔寨文、乌尔都文、印地文、蒙文、尼泊尔文版,中宣部理论局、中组部干部教育局向党员干部推荐第十一批学习书目,2015年中国好书,进农村书屋)、《海殇?——欧洲文明启示录》(中英文、盲文版)等25部,即将出版《一带一路的政治经济学》、《人的全球化》。译著《大国政治的悲剧》等3部;主编“中国北约研究丛书”(10卷本)、《全球视野下的中欧关系》。在《中国社会科学》、《美国政治和社会科学学院年刊》等20个国家期刊发表论文300篇,在《求是》、《人民日报》、《欧洲的世界》等国内外媒体发表时评1100余篇,接受新华社、中国广播电视总台(CCTV, CGTN, CRI)、BBC、CNN等国内外媒体采访万余次,参加一带一路国际合作高峰论坛、香格里拉对话会、慕尼黑安全会议、瓦尔代论坛、博鳌亚洲论坛等国际论坛千余次,系《人民日报》海外版“望海楼”、CGTN等媒体特约评论员,曾在联合国教科文组织总部、联合国大会边会发表“人类命运共同体”、“一带一路”主旨演讲。
Jean Monnet Project in Renmin University of China
“EU as a Modern Civilization”
Project ID: 587367-EPP-1-2017-1-CN-EPPJMO-CHAIR
Project Title: EU as a Modern Civilization
Maximum Grants: EUR 50000
Date:from Sep. 1st ,2017 to Aug. 31th, 2020
Primary Coordinator:Wang Yiwei(yiweiwang@ruc.edu.cn)
Prof. Dr. Yiwei Wang, in charge of this Jean Monnet Chair Program in Renmin University of China, has done research and teaching on the European Integration and China-European relations even when he was a graduate student. His Ph.D. dissertation is comparing European modern balance of power with Chinese ancient one. In April 2008, he was selected to work at Chinese Mission to the European Union because of his research connections between academic and policy making. This is very unusual experience for Chinese scholar. He came back from Brussels in February of 2011 and built up the China-European Academic Network, as the counterpart of ECRAN, to promote China-European academic exchange. Chinese ambassador to EU Song Zhe and EU ambassador to China Markus Ederer all sent their congratulatory letters on behalf of the both governments to celebrate the network. Centre for European Studies of Renmin University which the applicant is working as the director, became the only Key Research Institute in Chinese Universities for European Studies funded by the Ministry of Education of PRC in 2000, and the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence by the European Commission in 2005. In 2005 an English MA Programme on European Studies started and nearly 200 MA students graduated from the Programme, and 20 PhD students every year registration in the Centre for European Studies at RUC. More than 20 research projects are funded by either European or Chinese resources and more than thirty books and hundreds of academic papers have been published.
Prof. Dr. Lexian Fang is professor of international politics and senior research fellow of the Centre for European Studies at RUC. He has been involved in teaching and research on EU studies since 1995, and was one of the first round visiting scholars under EU-China high education cooperation program in 1998-1999. He was also senior visiting scholar to University of Durham, and Cornell University, all focusing EU studies during the visits. His major research fields: European integration theories, EU foreign policy and EU-China Relations. He has chaired or co-chaired 5 research programs from Grants of China Ministry of Education and RUC, and highly involved in EU studies. He has published over 40 papers on European issues. His book “European Political Integration: Theory and Practice”(2009)was published as one of the key works at RUC under the “985 Project”, key national supporting program for prestigious universities in China. He has also held lots of honorary titles or awards on European studies from major think-tanks or high education institutions in China.
Dr. Jin Yan, associate professor of School of International Studies, Renmin University of China, executive director of the Center for European Studies, Renmin University of China, executive director of the Centre for China-EU People-to-People Exchange Studies at Renmin University of China, and former vice president of School of International Studies, Renmin University of China (2008-2017). She was admitted to the School of International Studies of Renmin University of China in 1986. After graduation in 1993, she stayed in the university to teach. From 1998 to 2000, she received a doctoral scholarship from the German Academic Exchange Center. She worked in the Department of political science and sociology of Free University of Berlin for doctoral joint training. She worked in the Education Office of the Embassy of the People's Republic of China in the Federal Republic of Germany for four years. Her research areas include: European integration and practice, German politics, economy and diplomacy. She has published 4 monographs and many papers in core journals.
Project Information:
The European Union has entered a stage of crisis after crisis: from debt crisis, Ukraine crisis to refugee crisis and even is facing extremism threat from domestic and abroad while suffering from Brexit. How to evaluate EU’s future?
As the Chinese saying goes, “if it is too complex, let's trace back to the original”. We should understand EU from civilization perspective: from the ancient to modern civilization. This is exact what Chinese new silk road initiative (One Belt One Road, OBOR) reveals. Actually, Chinese have the tradition of viewing Europe as civilization and EU as modern civilization. During the EU-China Summit in 2013 both leaders, Chinese President Xi Jinping, European Council President Herman Van Rompuy and European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso, share the ideas that China and the EU are "two major forces" for safeguarding global peace, "two major markets" for promoting common development. As important birthplaces of eastern and western cultures, China and the EU are also "two major civilizations" for promoting the progress of mankind.
This urges our European studies to update the understanding of the EU as a global player, i.e. EU is the trinity of peaceful force, largest market and modern civilization. This is the main mentality that we design the new courses focusing on EU as a modern civilization and global player.
The aim and objective of the Jean Monnet project is to strengthen the further development of the European Studies programme at the Renmin University of China (RUC) and to enhance the knowledge background on EU as a global player and modern civilization with the enlargement of academic network of European Studies in Beijing and China.
The project will strengthen and enhance the EU studies in RUC with the priory: Multi-disciplinary and comprehensive approach to European Studies. The project will encourage more non-RUC students to take part in the Programme and invite more European scholars to give lectures in order to collaborate the project between Chinese and European institutions.
Although European Studies in China developed very rapidly in the past 20 years, many however, the world changes so rapidly and no one predict the EU is facing crisis after crisis. In such case, we should not keep the traditional single-disciplinary approach such as political science, economics, law and history and give a narrow understanding on EU, but to trace back its civilization source.
The Jean Monnet project will pay special attention to the multi or cross-disciplinary approach. The main platform to do so is to develop new teaching programmes on Civilization Studies, Structural Analysis, Functional analysis and Comparative Studies on EU’s role in Global Affairs.
The project considers the European integration as a civilization evolution as well as Europe and the world interaction: the EU is not just a regional integration, but also a new development model and modern civilization. Both China and the EU are taking the paths not taken by predecessors and doing what the predecessors have not done. The new teaching project will focus on EU in the world and role of the EU in Global Governance, EU–China Relation, and put Chinese dream and European dream into the framework of project.
The project will include:
(1) Curriculum development of new courses for both undergraduate and post-graduate students;
(2) Group of PhD students doing research on EU and the World in the project;
(3) Publication of new textbooks and other academic products.
Understanding EU as a Modern Civilization: the Perspectives from China (to be published)
Wang Yiwei
l China-EU Relations and the World
l European Public Diplomacy
l Introduction to Global Governance
l The Political Economy of EU
Fang Lexian
l History of European Integration
Dr. Jin Yan
l The Theory and Practice of European Integration
l The Political Economy of EU
(1) "Double Standards" in the West: Root Cause and Resolution, Frontiers, 2020(03):12-18.
The West has been pursuing "double standards" in international politics in a stubborn and self-righteous manner, which has led to its decline. The Western "double standards" in the international public opinion has led to the continuous destruction of international rules. The "double standards" in the diplomatic practice of the West are divided by American allies and non-American allies. They often interfere in the internal affairs of other countries under the banner of "international society", carry out color revolution, and cause a turbulent international situation, especially in the Middle East where fairness and justice is advocated. The "double standards" in the West have different forms, but they all originate from the American Christian thinking and the colonial complex of Europe. They are manifested in the dualism of American allies and non-allies, or in a broader sense, the "Western centralism," reflecting the Western arrogance and hypocrisy.
(2) China’s diplomacy reboots offline in Europe, Global Times, 30th August 2020.
Due to COVID-19, China is more willing to strengthen communication with its European partners, coordinate policies and jointly cope with global challenges. Between China and Europe, cooperation overwhelms competition while consensus outweighs conflict. China has always supported the process of European integration, and is more than happy to see the European Union maintain unity and prosperity. It should be clear that China and Europe are not institutional competitors, but long-term comprehensive strategic partners. As two major forces, markets and civilizations, China and Europe obligated to work together to strengthen international solidarity against the pandemic, uphold multilateralism, construct post-pandemic world order and jump-start the world economy.
(3) Independent view of Huawei crucial for European interests, Global Times, 9th July 2020.
(4) Poor COVID handling, selfishness leaves US off EU safe travel list, Global Times, 1st July 2020.
(5) Whether EU’s new strategy on Africa will recommit the same error, Global Times, 17th March 2020.
EU’s new strategy on Africa are faced with many challenges, including internal disagreement, inequality and unrealistic plan.
(6) 2020: Opportunities and challenges for China-EU relations, Global Times, 8th November 2019.
China-EU relations are in the process of new age, competitive factors are strengthened, but cooperation ones are still important.
(7) Lesson about shutdown of Galileo satellite navigation system, Global Times, 30th July 2019.
The shutdown of Galileo satellite navigation system reflects lack of European’s own defense industry, European cannot bandwagon without any cost.
(8) After vote, will EU change approach to China?, Global Times, 18th June 2019.
(9) The European Parliament election reflects the changing times, Global Times, 1st June 2019.
The result of European Parliament election breaks traditional patterns in European politics, and new game in Europe is in the process.
(10)Enhance the global and strategic nature of China-EU relations, People’s Daily Overseas Edition, 10th April 2019.
China and EU should respond to challenges together, expand mutual beneficial cooperation, and generate more stability for this uncertain world.
(11) There exists great opportunity for Europe, People’s Daily Overseas Edition, 21th March 2019.
China trusts Europe’s smart choice on Huawei: Europe must choose wisely on Huawei for future, Global Times, 24th February 2019.
(12) How does Europe hold its own future, Global Times, 20th February 2019.
European countries are lack of its own competitive Internet search engine, and their common security and defense policy is constrained by the US-led NATO, which makes Europe get in harassment. Now in the field of 5G technology, the chance of independence is coming, where cooperation with China can make new rules.
(13) Civilization anxiety promotes transform in Europe, Global Times, 4th January 2019.
Some leaders from European countries worries about their future, expressing civilization anxiety. In this age, Sense of European independence, hard power of Europe and system transformation are strengthened.
(14) China-EU cooperation can safeguard WTO rules, Global Times, 19th November 2018.
(15) How does refugee issue cleavage the EU, Beijing Daily, 28th June 2018.
In some way, refugee issue is due to EU’s incorrect decisions, such as interference on other countries’ internal affairs. A Community of Shared Future for Mankind should be learned.
(16) 16+1 facilitates the integration of CEE countries into EU, Global Times, 2nd December 2017
Media interviews:
(1) About China-EU BIT negotiations, 21 Jingji, 31st August 2020.
(2) World Insight with Tian Wei, CGTN, 19th March 2019.
(3) About Belt and Road associated with Europe, Boao Forum For Asia Paris Meeting, 14th September 2017.